Circles pop up when going underground


When the camera goes underground, circles appear and then (sometimes, but now always) disappear, as seen on the following snapshot?
Can we hide them?


Thank you in advance!

Have a great day!

It’s worse on the app I made thanks to CesiumJS.
Unfortunately, I can’t provide you a link…

(The glitches are purposely hightlighted).

Are you talking about the yellow circles in the second image? I wasn’t able to reproduce them.

From your image, it looks like a bug to me. Please report this in the CesiumJS repository:

Yes, I am!
I have just updated the previous sandcastle so you can better see what I mean. It only happens when the globe translucency is enabled.

Thank you for your answer! I will report it and make a link to this forum topic.

Have a great day!

Edit : I have just made a link to this forum topic and the sandcastle I made in this issue:

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Thank you!

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You’re welcome! :slight_smile: