Create Terrain from points array

Hi there!
I have an array of points: [{lan, lot, alt}, {lan, lot, alt}, and so on, 1M+ points] for one certain piece of land.
How I can convert this to Terrain?
I need Terrain just for this piece of land. Let be flat images for orher world.

I think, it must be anything like Custom Terrain Provider, but for big piece of land, not one tile.


Welcome to the community! Thank you for bringing us your question. :grinning: :rocket:

At a high level, I think that the best way to tackle this problem is to use a 3rd party tool to convert your array of points into a data format that CesiumJS accepts. From here, simply import your data into CesiumJS directly or use Cesium ion to stream your data into CesiumJS. What are your thoughts on this idea?

In terms of 3rd party tools to convert your array of points into an accepted data format, I am not sure what your best options are. Any suggestions from the rest of the community?


Thanks, Sam!
It’s a nice idea — import data to CesiumJS directly. Would you please tell me, how I can import my data directly and view 3D relief terrain?

@sam.rothstein Also I have DEM for this piece of land. But I can’t use Cesium Ion, I must import this just with JS/Python code.


Thank you for providing some more details! While a lot of the questions and comments that I mentioned in my last response have not been resolved, I can still give you some more information about importing data into CesiumJS. For many applications, folks use the Cesium3DTileset to import 3D data into CesiumJS. Here is the documentation for this object:

Here is a sandcastle demo that shows how this can be implemented in your code:

You will likely update the url member with the directory of your local dataset. I hope these resources help! As I eluded to above, the core issue that you seem to be facing is converting your data into an accepted format. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns! I am looking forward to learning more.



Thanks, Sam!
Just in case: I don’t need extracted 3D houses, cars etc.
I need relief only. Mountains. hills, and so on.
I have

  1. Geotiffs for one small piece of land,
  2. Vector layer, 1M+ points with heights.

And I need this geotiff (or vector) converted to relief.
Can Cesium3DTileset help me in this case?


I recommend uploading this data to Cesium ion and streaming it into CesiumJS. Once you upload your data to Cesium ion, select the asset. You should see a code section.

You can use this JavaScript code to import your data into your CesiumJS project. Let me know what you think!
