generating .txt file in the system directory by using the entry provided by user in field box

**hello everyone… i am new to cesium and javascript … i am developing a web application in which when user clicks on any pin billboard an iframe information box is displayed in which i have provided a HTML field box and a clickable button …now i want to create a function by using which a .txt file could be generated and saved in system using string provided by user when he clicks that button . **

**is this possible …pin’s color could be changed to another one… (eg. from blue to red) when user clicks submit button…(or a new pin could generate automatically at the same coordinate when user clicks that button…?) **

**i am using crome **
here is the sample code that i have been using


var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’, {timeline : false, animation : false});

var toolbar = document.getElementById(‘toolbar’);

var pinBuilder = new Cesium.PinBuilder();

var numClicks = 0;//an variable


//viewer.selectedEntity = entity;//Gets or sets the object instance for which to display a selection indicator.


//disabling iframe sandbox


var iframe = document.getElementsByClassName(‘cesium-infoBox-iframe’)[0];

iframe.setAttribute(‘sandbox’, ‘allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms’);

viewer.infoBox.frame.sandbox = "allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-forms ";


//adding a function


//function updateDisplay() {

// var x, y,z;






//function updateDisplay() {

// toolbar.innerHTML = 'Number of times you clicked either button: ’ + numClicks;




//adding pin


var bluePin = viewer.entities.add({

name : ‘Blank blue pin’,

position : Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-75.170726, 39.9208667),

description :‘

’ +

’ +

’ +

’ + //adding click button

POLE LOCATION’ + (‘-75.170726, 39.9208667’) + ‘
HOUSE ID’ + (‘A/64’) + ‘

(‘name:’) +


Click here
’) +


billboard : {

image : pinBuilder.fromColor(Cesium.Color.ROYALBLUE, 48).toDataURL(),

verticalOrigin : Cesium.VerticalOrigin.BOTTOM



//Since some of the pins are created asynchronously, wait for them all to load before zooming/

//Cesium.when.all([bluePin], function(pins){

// viewer.zoomTo(pins);



//adding a function


//function updateDisplay() {

//var x, y,z,name;






viewer.infoBox.frame.addEventListener(‘load’, function() {


// Now that the description is loaded, register a click listener inside

// the document of the iframe.


viewer.infoBox.frame.contentDocument.body.addEventListener(‘click’, function(e) {


// The document body will be rewritten when the selectedEntity changes,

// but this body listener will survive. Now it must determine if it was

// one of the clickable buttons.


if ( && === ‘click-test-button’) {




}, false);

}, false);

Hi there,

There’s a pull request [#5764] open, but not yet merged into master, that allows you to include JavaScript in an entity description. Just be aware, this has many security implications, which are discussed in that thread.

