Going from 3D to 2D and back to 3D makes the stars animate very fast

If I start my view with 3D mode (default) the Clock seems to be frozen in time -- which is exactly what I want -- controlling time is of no use to what I am trying to do.

But if I do a viewer.scene.morphTo2D and then eventually do a viewer.scene.morphTo3D then the stars are spinning really fast...

Interestingly the viewer.clock seems to be set up the same way all along the way:

    _lastSystemTime: 55680.03199994564
    canAnimate: true
    clockRange: 0
    clockStep: 1
    currentTime: D
    dayNumber: 2457202
    secondsOfDay: 18809.982647999954
    multiplier: 1
    shouldAnimate: true
    startTime: D
        dayNumber: 2457202
        secondsOfDay: 18756.403
    stopTime: D
        dayNumber: 2457203
        secondsOfDay: 18756.403

Sorry -- this was a misdiagnosis. The issue was displaying a KML file which had PlaceMarks with TimeStamps in it www.glotter.com/data/kml/data9.kmz. What's weird is that all the TimeStamps were the same. Why would this cause animation of the stars?

For time-dynamic KML data we try and calculate a decent default animation speed based on the timespan of the data. My guess is that if they are all TimeStamps with a single time, we end up with a huge animation interval somehow, so you were actually animating at a high enough speed that you could see the starfield accurately animating with it. I made a note to look into this and fix the issue. Can you share the KML file that causes the problem? Otherwise I can probably make my own from the description you have.

Thanks for reporting the issue.

It is this http://www.glotter.com/data/kml/data9.kmz
