How do I use the custom materials?

Hi @Kevin_Ring First and foremost, thank you for your response.
I referred to these questions:How do I set a water mask material? Unity Cesium Water System and Custom Water Cesium. I thought there was no water mask in Cesium for Unity before -_-||… How should I access the water mask if i use Cesium World Terrain? I didn’t see it in the Cesium3DTileset.cs
Additionally, should I edit a GeoTIFF file that only contains the global ocean and use its Raster Overlay to render the water effect if using custom terrain?
I want to render wave effects for all sea land boundary also, which is usually achieved by calculating the depth of water and the current depth of land in the depth map to determine the range of wave appearance, UV offset, color gradient or other effects. Water and land use the same material in Cesium for Unity, and their depths will be written into the depth map. Do you have any ideas to achieve this effect? thanks!