how to deactivate terrain upsampling?

I read in previous posts about terrain upsampling for tweaking performance.
Can I deactivate upsampling in my Cesium project altogether? In my case it causes some troubles with tiles provided as height maps.
Also, quantized meshes are being unnecessarily subdivided at higher zoom levels for which there is no data.


I also would like to be able to set an upsampling limit. Perhaps as a Globe option. This is particularly useful when working with custom Globe material/shaders and tiles UVs.

For now, I work around this limitation by wrapping the QuantizedMeshTerrainData upsample method as such:

// Limit tile mesh upsampling to a specified maximum level
// Maximum level should match imagery maximum zoom level in order to allow for maximum resolution to be loaded.
Cesium.QuantizedMeshTerrainData.prototype.nativeUpsample = Cesium.QuantizedMeshTerrainData.prototype.upsample;
Cesium.QuantizedMeshTerrainData.prototype.upsample = function(e,t,i,zoomLevel,n,a,o){
if (zoomLevel > 18) return;
return this.nativeUpsample(e,t,i,zoomLevel,n,a,o);