particle system


It would be great to eventually have public API access to blending options.

Hi Mauricio,

Agreed it would be great to control blending options via public API. In the meantime, if it changes again, look for where it is used in the source, because that will have changed too. Currently, it’s here:


Hi Mauricio,

How is this project coming along? If it’s up and running we’d be interested in showcasing it on our website:

I’m now the editor for Cesium’s showcases, and if you’d like to do a demo I’d be happy to work with you on it.



It would be nice to feature the project. Right now what’s in the way is the big delay in Chrome when rebuilding the particle system. The project also needs some additional context on the data set that the person who assembled it will write. The URL is not final yet but here’s a couple of screenshots:

It’s a dataset of photographers. Some of them took photographs from outer space:

We are still fixing things and adding features and will eventually have an introduction page.

Fixing performance in Chrome would be ideal. Otherwise, it works quite well, even in iOS.

You can contact me at my name at nypl dot org.

Mauricio -

Your URL is not working...


I moved the code to a new location. will share when ready

- mga

Have there been any updates for particle systems? Has there been any work based upon the road map document for particles described above?


Hi Scott,

There’s no update on a tightly integrated particle system, but some users have rolled their one, see this thread.
