PathGraphics drawn above labels if material colour has transparency

I have this problem where paths where I add alpha to the material colour gets drawn above everything else. Here are two examples first one without transparency:

entity.path = {
material : competitor.cesiumColorDefault, // just a normal Cesium Colour

width : 4,

trailTime : this.tailLength,

leadTime: 0,

resolution : this.tailLength



And then one with transparency.

entity.path = {
material : competitor.cesiumColorDefault.withAlpha(0.75),

width : 4,

trailTime : this.tailLength,

leadTime: 0,

resolution : this.tailLength



As can be seen the alpha is added but draws path on top of the rest which isn’t the desired outcome.
Am I doing something wrong or is this possibly a bug? I’m using the latest 1.29 version but this has been a problem with previous versions as well.


Unfortunately we don’t have great support for z-ordering. This is something that’s on our roadmap, but it may be a little while before we have a good solution.

In the mean time, you can try adding eyeOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian3(0, 0, -50) to your label. If that doesn’t do it, you can try using a greater value for the negative z value.



Hello Hannah,

thanks for the suggestion. I already use that however on all map elements to have them in the right order. But if the z-order works like it should with a colour without alpha and then not once alpha is added, isn’t that more of a bug than z-ordering which is on the roadmap?