Prozessing 3D Mesh Error

Hello community,
I received an unknown Error while trying to transfer my 3D textured Mesh (Pre Processed by Open Drone Map Docker) into Cesium 3D Tiles.

This is my error message

I am completely lost what the issue might be about…The textured mesh size shouldn’t be too big with 4.2 GB.
Has anyone experienced something similar before?
Thank you very much in advance!

best, Dario


I apologize that you are seeing this error, I have forwarded this information to our tiling team to take a look at this issue

Thank you very much!

best wishes


We have found the root cause of this issue, it was a bug in our tiling pipeline. We will soon deploy a fix for this to our production environment. In the meantime, we have tiled and uploaded the asset to your account.

Please check the asset on your account with the new id: 2783501


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Hi Ankit,

thank you very much. Did you already deploy the fix in your Prod. environment?

best, dario


It hasn’t been out yet. It should go out either later today or tomorrow


Hi Ankit,

thanks for your reply.
best, Dario