Save b3dm models to mongodb

Is there some way to save the b3dm models(3d tiles) to mongodb?

And whether it is useful for managing b3dm data and accelerating the visulization of b3dm.

I think you’ll have better luck getting advice on using MongoDB from their official forums/channels, but from my cursory search it looks like there’s no reason you wouldn’t be able to save both the tileset.json and the binary models in your database:

In terms of visualization, I don’t think requesting models from a database should make a difference. I think that depends more on just network speed/bandwidth in downloading the models to the client. It might be a good way of managing/updating your data. Cesium ion ( does give you a lot of tools to manage this, so that might be worth looking at if you haven’t already!


Omar Shehata 于2018年9月9日周日 下午11:12写道:

I haven’t found any tools which can manageing/updating b3dm data, are there some hints about that? Thanks again

Omar Shehata 于2018年9月9日周日 下午11:12写道:

Have you tried uploading your tiles to ion? Here’s a tutorial about imagery/terrain but you can upload your 3D Tiles in the same way:

That way you can load your data with an asset ID, and if you update the asset your users will get the new version without needing to update the client.

Are there any ways I can manage it offline?

Omar Shehata 于2018年9月11日周二 上午1:30写道:

Not that I’m aware of. I don’t think you’ll find resources specifically for b3dm. Just treat it as any other static data you would manage with a database/host with a server and you should be able to find something or write your own.