2D view in cesium 3d mode

Can we get 2D view in 3D mode

So the problem is ,i want to display 2D view (topview) without changing 3D mode.

This is what i tried

I changed it to 2D mode
viewer.scene.mode = Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE2D;
captured all the properties like
camera angle,pitch,roll,heading ,x,y,z parameters and tried to give it to camera.flyto function
but later i’ve learned that the xyz of 3d and 2d will not be same for the camera to display thaat

Is there any way to achieve this
or any possibility to change mode
viewer.scene.mode = Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE2D/SCENE3D;
without cesium changing the angle

The exact goal here may not be entirely clear. But the PerformanceTestingGuide contains a Sandcastle that might be helpful here:

When you click into the rendering area, and then press ‘c’ on the keyboard, it will print out some code on the console. And you can use this code to restore the a camera orientation that you had when pressing ‘c’. Is this what you intended to achieve?

No, the camera orientation while i got in 2D mode on a terrain
Im not able to use that in 3D mode

You can limit the maximum tilt angle to a value close to 0 degrees, this can make bird-eye view in 3D Mode:
viewer.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.maximumTiltAngle = 0.0001;

Example here: