There are a lot of validation errors for the embedded glb file, some of which suggest the accessor min/max values are incorrect, which may lead the culling issues seen in the video. The results from the glTF validator are below. You may have to open a bug report in py3dtiles.
“uri”: “1.glb”,
“mimeType”: “model/gltf-binary”,
“validatorVersion”: “2.0.0-dev.2.0”,
“validatedAt”: “2018-04-10T23:15:32.531Z”,
“issues”: {
“numErrors”: 15,
“numWarnings”: 0,
“numInfos”: 1,
“numHints”: 0,
“messages”: [
“message”: “Do not specify default transform matrix.”,
“severity”: 2,
“pointer”: “/nodes/0/matrix”
“message”: “Declared minimum value for this component (1991.44189453125) does not match actual minimum (-8570.9814453125).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/min/0”
“message”: “Accessor contains 1740 element(s) less than declared minimum value 1991.44189453125.”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/min/0”
“message”: “Declared minimum value for this component (100) does not match actual minimum (1375.197021484375).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/min/1”
“message”: “Declared minimum value for this component (-7382.7958984375) does not match actual minimum (0).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/min/2”
“message”: “Declared maximum value for this component (1375.197021484375) does not match actual maximum (-7382.7958984375).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/max/0”
“message”: “Declared maximum value for this component (0) does not match actual maximum (1991.44189453125).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/max/1”
“message”: “Accessor contains 1740 element(s) greater than declared maximum value 1375.197021484375.”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/max/1”
“message”: “Declared maximum value for this component (-8570.9814453125) does not match actual maximum (100).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/max/2”
“message”: “Accessor contains 1740 element(s) greater than declared maximum value 1375.197021484375.”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/0/max/2”
“message”: “Declared minimum value for this component (-1) does not match actual minimum (-0.9999330043792725).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/1/min/0”
“message”: “Declared minimum value for this component (-1) does not match actual minimum (-0.9999942779541016).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/1/min/1”
“message”: “Declared minimum value for this component (-1) does not match actual minimum (0).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/1/min/2”
“message”: “Declared maximum value for this component (1) does not match actual maximum (0.9999657273292542).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/1/max/0”
“message”: “Declared maximum value for this component (1) does not match actual maximum (0.999946117401123).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/1/max/1”
“message”: “Declared maximum value for this component (20) does not match actual maximum (19).”,
“severity”: 0,
“pointer”: “/accessors/2/max/0”
“truncated”: false
“info”: {
“version”: “2.0”,
“generator”: “py3dtiles”,
“resources”: [
“pointer”: “/buffers/0”,
“mimeType”: “application/gltf-buffer”,
“storage”: “glb”,
“byteLength”: 48720
“hasAnimations”: false,
“hasMaterials”: true,
“hasMorphTargets”: false,
“hasSkins”: false,
“hasTextures”: false,
“hasDefaultScene”: true,
“primitivesCount”: 1,
“maxAttributesUsed”: 3