3D Tiles not rendering, help!


I'm trying to achieve a way to use 3D tiles and Cesium to render very large 3D models. These models have geo-references embedded into them, and each model uses the UK standard of geo-projection/referencing, not the WGS84 standard.

Display issue

I’m not familiar with that projection system so its hard for me to say if that’s the cause of the issue. Can you post the tileset you are using?

Hey, Sean thanks for the reply.

Display Resolved

I don’t know of any tiling tools offhand, but Blender or other editing software is probably the best bet for now. There may be scripts for this, or you may need to write one yourself.

The 3d-tiles-tools repo will probably not feature a tool like that for a while as we are still doing our own work into splitting massive models. Also the generator tool is more like a tutorial/showcase of features rather than a general purpose utility.

As for the transform - it is a matrix applied to the tile, both to the geometry and bounding volume. Since your model is defined in WGS84 already you won’t need to set the transform, but you will need to fix the bounding volume. The bounding volume should fit the geometry as closely as possible. You can use the min/max properties of the gltf’s position accessor to derive good center and radius values.

In Cesium I’ve seen some subtle bugs when bounding volumes are placed at the Earth’s center, which is happening when using the bounding volume in the DiscreteLOD example without setting the transform. At some point this should be fixed…

Hey Sean thanks for the reply again,

I’m just curious as to how you calculate the bounding volume within cesium… I’ve tried and my model seems to end up in the center of the earth, or somewhere in space, this is the tile set i’m using at the moment. I need it so its geographically positioned on the globe.


“asset”: {

“version”: “0.0”


“geometricError”: 1000,

“root”: {

“boundingVolume”: {

“box”: [

-69.0228, -103.871, 85.3382, 1,

123.111, 125.915, 100.568, 1,

27, 114, 92.5, 1,



“geometricError”: 100,

“refine”: “replace”,

“content”: {

“url”: “LargeGeoModel_01WLA0.b3dm”




I’m not completely clear about one thing, is the model geometry already geographically positioned? Or is the model’s center close to (0,0,0)? What are the min/max values in the glTF’s position accessor?

Hey Sean thanks again for the response, I appreciate all the help.

Transformation issue

Hey Sean,

Side note

Thanks for posting the gltf data. At this point I think you may just need to clean up the model a bit so that it is centered properly. Or… you may just need to adjust the transform in such a way that the model is correctly positioned. The Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame function may be a good place to start for generating a good tile transform.

Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(longitude, latitude, height), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);


In terms of splitting up the model, you could try splitting into multiple gltfs, each with one mesh. I don’t have any tools to recommend though, but this is the easiest way to do it. You could probably also use Blender to slice the model into a grid but that has its own complications.

Quick correction - I sent you a deprecated version of that function. Use this instead:

Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(longitude, latitude, height), new Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));


Hey Sean thanks for the response again,

I have another question, in the images of the 3D tile examples, they seem to have visible red bounding boxes around them (http://cesiumjs.org/images/2015/08-10/refinement1.png). I was wounding if this was a feature or style which could be enabled, or weather I have to draw the boxes separately. I understand from the Cesium examples how to draw a box but not how to rotate it, as none of the sandcastle examples seem to cover entity or primitive rotation.

Thanks again for all the help and support.

To see the boxes set tileset.debugShowBoundingVolume = true and/or tileset.debugShowContentBoundingVolume = true.

Hey Sean thanks for the response.

That solution worked, and I was curious as to add styles to the tiles… I’ve tried: tileset.style = new Cesium.Cesium3DTileStyle(“assets/style.json”); With my .json file which looks like:


“show” : “true”,

“color” : “color(’#ffffff’)”


Yet no style has been applied to the tiles. Any help you could give me with this, would be appreciated.

Many thanks again.

By default the style color is multiplied by the model’s color. So with a white color you won’t see any difference, but you should notice something with #333333 (for example).

If you would like the style’s color to replace the model’s color, set tileset.colorBlendMode to Cesium.Cesium3DTileColorBlendMode.REPLACE. However you will need to edit the glTF for this to work.

Definitely check out the documentation here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/blob/3d-tiles/Source/Scene/Cesium3DTileColorBlendMode.js for more details.

Hey again,

I was wondering weather or not you needed a batch/feature table inside your .B3DM files, in order to style them? As I’d like to be able to select a given tile, and have information about that tile be shown on screen.

Thanks again for all the help

For styling purposes the glTF model will need to include batchIds and the the corresponding batchLength in the tile’s header needs to be greater than zero. Right now the engine does support setting tile properties unless the tile has features (batchId vertex attribute in glTF, batchLength >= 1). It sounds like in your case you just want a single feature for the whole tile, but your glTF model is not configured yet.

Roughly the approach for doing this programmatically is here – this code is still in a pull request on a temporary commit, so be warned.

Once you have that you can create a batch table to store properties. You don’t technically need the batch table since properties can be added to features dynamically with feature.setProperty(name, value) (like after picking a feature).

Hey Sean thanks again for getting back to me.

Due to unforeseen circumstances I’ve had a hard drive failure. I’ve recovered most of my files for my Cesium project, but i’m going to reinstall all my dependencies again from scratch. However when I clone the 3D-Tiles branch from github, and follow the steps here (https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/cesium/tree/3d-tiles/Documentation/Contributors/BuildGuide) to build the code base. The only file that appears in the build folder is ‘minifyShaders.state’ and nothing more. So now when I run my project either get a reference error, or states Cesium isn’t defined as I have to reference the source files.

It should be noted then when I use the option of minifyRelease the gulpfile fails, with an error of Command failed: npm run requirejs – --eyJ3cmFwIjp0cnVlLCJ1c2VTdHJpY3QiOnRydWUsIm9wdGltaXplIjoidWdsaWZ5MiIsIm9wdGltaXplQ3NzIjoic3RhbmRhcmQiLCJwcmFnbWFzIjp7ImRlYnVnIjpmYWxzZX0sImJhc2VVcmwiOiJTb3VyY2UiLCJza2lwTW9kdWxlSW5zZXJ0aW9uIjp0cnVlLCJuYW1lIjoiLi4vbm9kZV9tb2R1bGVzL2FsbW9uZC9hbG1vbmQiLCJpbmNsdWRlIjoibWFpbiIsIm91dCI6IkJ1aWxkL2NvbWJpbmVPdXRwdXQvdWdsaWZ5Mi9DZXNpdW0uanMifQ== --silent…

Any help or advice you could give me, in building the 3D tiles branch would be much appreciated.

Thanks as always.

Typically all I need to do to build is 'npm run minifyRelease`. That error your getting is very strange.

This build error seems to have happened before. Wondering if this is a known issue?

npm ERR! Failed at the cesium@1.24.0-pnts-updates.16735 requirejs script ‘gulp requirejs “–eyJ3cmFwIjp0cnVlLCJ1c2VTdHJpY3QiOnRydWUsIm9wdGltaXplIjoibm9uZSIsIm9wdGltaXplQ3NzIjoic3RhbmRhcmQiLCJwcmFnbWFzIjp7ImRlYnVnIjp0cnVlfSwiYmFzZVVybCI6IlNvdXJjZSIsInNraXBNb2R1bGVJbnNlcnRpb24iOnRydWUsIm5hbWUiOiIuLi9ub2RlX21vZHVsZXMvYWxtb25kL2FsbW9uZCIsImluY2x1ZGUiOiJtYWluIiwib3V0IjoiQnVpbGQvY29tYmluZU91dHB1dC9ub25lL0Nlc2l1bS5qcyJ9” “–silent”’.
npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the cesium package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! gulp requirejs “–eyJ3cmFwIjp0cnVlLCJ1c2VTdHJpY3QiOnRydWUsIm9wdGltaXplIjoibm9uZSIsIm9wdGltaXplQ3NzIjoic3RhbmRhcmQiLCJwcmFnbWFzIjp7ImRlYnVnIjp0cnVlfSwiYmFzZVVybCI6IlNvdXJjZSIsInNraXBNb2R1bGVJbnNlcnRpb24iOnRydWUsIm5hbWUiOiIuLi9ub2RlX21vZHVsZXMvYWxtb25kL2FsbW9uZCIsImluY2x1ZGUiOiJtYWluIiwib3V0IjoiQnVpbGQvY29tYmluZU91dHB1dC9ub25lL0Nlc2l1bS5qcyJ9” “–silent”

I’m not sure why those particular builds had those errors. Does Cesium not build on master for you?