3DTiles1.1 Specification:3DTILES_metadata Schema

Hi, I recently had a requirement to add metadata by modifying tileset.json file.I want to know whether CesiumFeaturesMetadata component supports reading metadata added through shcema.

Hi @Unreal_Miracle, welcome to the community!

Currently, the component only supports glTF-level metadata (stored in the EXT_structural_metadata extensions), so this is not possible out-of-the-box. However, it would help to have more context for your use case, so that we could suggest any alternatives or workarounds.

You’re also welcome to modify the plugin source code for custom functionality. In Cesium Native, there is a TilesetMetadata class that you can access on a Tileset (in this function here). It would just be a matter of passing it through to Unreal. If you end up trying this, let us know how it goes :smile: