About files used by cesium?

Dear Sir,

The following files include by cesium have been detected by antivirus software.

Is this provide you?
Also please check if the hash value match.

The file referenced was part of event-stream, which was a dependency in the build process of Cesium 6 months ago.

To be clear, event-stream, and the compromised file, have never been part of Cesium itself.

Thank you for the response.
I ask again.
・ Is this file previously generated when building?
・ Is this file unrelated to Cesium?
・ Is it okay to delete this file?


I believe a dependency in the build process simply means this file is downloaded when building the CesiumJS library from the source code as described in the build guide. If you are using an already built version of Cesium (which you can get from the downloads page https://cesiumjs.org/downloads/) then you don’t need this file.

Hi sir ,
We send hash data,Symantec security responce.
But their says malware.
