Animate Polyline from source coordinates to destination coordinates

Hi everyone,

I need help to animate a polyline that I have created with the source and destination coordinates - Something similar to Norse Live Attack Maps:

Here is the code that I've created for the polyline. Right now, it is just displaying a line without any animation like the Norse.

var pointNew = viewer.entities.add({
    name: (sourceCountry + " - " + destCountry),
    polyline : {
  positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([103.989, 1.3592, 40.0, 73.0969, 49.8119, 40.0]),
        width : 5,
  material : Cesium.Color.YELLOW

Any help would be much appreciated!


We don’t have support for that kind of animation out of the box, but you can compute the start and end points of the polyline and update them to only show a segment of it at a time.

See this forum post for an example of how to use a CallbackProperty to animate a polyline by changing the positions:!searchin/cesium-dev/rubberband/cesium-dev/3zHCkexUFc4/DKpjjHbJBQAJ

Hope this helps!
