[ANN] "Real" air traffic control system + flight simulator


“Real” air traffic control system and flight simulator - client-server ClojureScript-Clojure application based on:

  1. rete4frames expert system shell (http://github.com/rururu/rete4frames/),

  2. Flightradar24 web service (http://www.flightradar24.com/),

  3. Leaflet JavaScript GIS libraty (http://leafletjs.com/),

  4. Cesium webGL virtual globe and map engine (http://cesiumjs.org/),

  5. GeoNames geographical database web service (http://www.geonames.org/),

6… httpkit, compojure, core.async and others Clojure libraries.

Appllication page: https://github.com/rururu/rete4flights.


  1. You can get information about interesting things along the route from Wikipedia automatically.

  2. Dependency libraries updated to newest versions.

  3. Parameters adjusted

  4. Fixed several bugs




Hi Ru,

Cool, thanks for sharing! We’ll include it in the news section of the Cesium release blog post next month.

Is there a live demo hosted anywhere?



Hi Patrick,

I can make a small screencast, host it on my Youtube channel and put a link on the same GitHub page.

Is this Ok?


Ru - that would be awesome. We will also spread the word through our @CesiumJS twitter account.



Hi Patrick,

I have put a link to screencast on my GitHub project page. And here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTuQPYDsd_A

Enjoy flying :slight_smile:

Thank you for your proposal.




  1. No need for Leiningen to run application.

  2. Fixed crashes on landing in Cesium v.1.25

Do you know if this violates any licenses of flightradar24? Do we need special permissions to run the application?

Honestly, I don’t know.
I have begun from this blog: http://blog.cykey.ca/post/88174516880/analyzing-flightradar24s-internal-api-structure

Then, when this ceased to work, I hacked current urls and put them in my program. I think that as far as I do not get any profit, I do not make a terrible crime, but only advertisement to Flightradar24. :slight_smile:

I think you can consider the same policy :slight_smile: