Are CesiumJS commercial uses paid?

The below page says “CesiumJS is free for both commercial and non-commercial use”. However, when we want to use it, the CesiumIon logo and “upgrade for commercial use” expression appear on the map.
Could you help me? What am I doing wrong?


Thanks for reaching out and we’d be happy to help.

The Cesium platform follows an open-core business model with open source runtime engines with optional commercially available subscription to Cesium ion.

CesiumJS is a free and open source library licensed under Apache 2.0 which allows you to use the engine for commercial and non-commercial uses. The library however does not include any geospatial data, which is streamed from Cesium ion, a commercial subscription service for 3D geospatial data hosting, tiling and streaming.

We provide Cesium ion as the quickest option for all users to get started and build geospatial applications. You may choose to use other streaming services based on open standards.


Hello Mr. Shehzan,

Thanks for your quick reply.

When describing CesiumJS, it talks about the fact that we can work with geographical data in 3D with the text that you will see below, but as I understand from what you said, ion is necessary to stream spatial data, isn’t it a little conflicting?


3D geospatial visualization for the web
CesiumJS is an open source JavaScript library for creating world-class 3D globes and maps with the best possible performance, precision, visual quality, and ease of use. Developers across industries, from aerospace to smart cities to drones, use CesiumJS to create interactive web apps for sharing dynamic geospatial data.

Built on open formats, CesiumJS is designed for robust interoperability and scaling for massive datasets.

Stream in 3D Tiles and other standard formats from Cesium ion or another source
Visualize and analyze on a high-precision WGS84 globe
Share with users on desktop or mobile


You can choose to stream geospatial data from either Cesium ion or other data sources into CesiumJS. If you choose Cesium ion and are using it for commercial use, then there is a subscription that applies.

If you have your own data, or other non-Cesium third-party data that you are streaming data to CesiumJS, then you do not need a Cesium ion subscription.


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You can hide the cesium logo with the info. I am on mobile so can’t provide you with more info, but you can look up “how to hide cesium logo” for more info.

Hello, thank you for all the help, actually my aim is not to remove the ion logo (I can remove it), I read on the page that JS is free for commercial use, but during the development process, I noticed that “Upgrade for commercial use” appears with the ion logo in the left bottom again, I noticed that it pulls the key I wrote inside the Cesium.Ion.defaultAccessToken = " " expression from the ion and uses the basemap. I only have to use Ion for this part, does that mean I have to buy it for commercial use?

Hi @Arzu_Cubukcu,

I only have to use Ion for this part, does that mean I have to buy it for commercial use?

If you are using the basemap from Cesium ion and your app is for commercial use, then yes.