I need to automate the camera until the user takes control (tries to manipulate it herself).
I’d like to operate the camera using target and HeadingPitchRange offset.
flyToBoundingSphere positions the camera imprecisely, so I got weird animation (run below code)
lookAt changes reference frame so that when the user tries to tilt the camera with middle mouse button camera stays unchanged and I fail to detect user interaction (un-comment line 27)
Please advise.
Thank you.
var C = Cesium
var viewer = new C.Viewer(‘cesiumContainer’);
var camera =
var a = { lon: -117.25, lat: 32.71 }
var b = { lon: -117.00, lat: 32.71 }
var duration = 3000
function position(time) {
var t = C.JulianDate.toDate(time).valueOf() / 1e3 % duration
return C.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(
C.LinearApproximation.interpolateOrderZero(t, [0, duration], [a.lon, b.lon], 1)
, C.LinearApproximation.interpolateOrderZero(t, [0, duration], [,], 1)
var automate = true
var offset = new C.HeadingPitchRange(0, -Math.PI/2*0.99, 100)
var positionSet
var positionGot = camera.position
viewer.clock.onTick.addEventListener(function() {
if (!automate) return
if (camera.position.equals(positionGot)) { // no change => continue automating
positionSet = position(viewer.clock.currentTime)
// imprecise positioning leads to bad animation
camera.flyToBoundingSphere(new C.BoundingSphere(positionSet, 1), { duration: 0, offset: offset })
// locks tilting
// camera.lookAt(positionSet, offset)
positionGot =
} else { // user intruded => stop automating
automate = false
// to “release” the camera - restore reference frame set by camera.lookAt
camera.flyToBoundingSphere(new C.BoundingSphere(positionSet, 1), { duration: 0, offset: offset })