Built Project Crash at rapidjson Call v1.8.1

Hi @V2i,

Unfortunately, I’m not able to replicate this on my end, but it definitely sounds Cesium-related if it’s only happening when CWT is in the level.
I noticed the line [2021.12.09-05.03.23:103][ 2]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff6d1a7e84b A1454_Wandoan_V3.exe!rapidjson::MemoryPoolAllocator<rapidjson::CrtAllocator>::Malloc() [D:\temp\UE4Source\ue427\Engine\Plugins\Custom\Sparky\Source\SparkyCommon\Private\rapidjson\allocators.h:181] in your error log. Is this Sparky plugin used in all of your projects? Are you able to disable it and see if that allows you to run a built project?

If it’s possible that this other plugin is contributing to this issue, it could be helpful to know more about that plugin to figure out if there’s anything we can adjust in the Cesium plugin code to prevent other issues like this.
