I’m trying to add a local 3D tiles set and follow the docs.
It is loading the .json file with http status 304 and not loading the .b3dm and other files
I should also let you know that the SDK 1.107.1 which I downloaded and started it on localhost:8080 gave me the inherent local Sandcastle which I opened and ran this code and this same tileset was rendered.
Yes, I’ve been extending this file for the POC purpose. If that file has any limitation in terms of 3DTiles library references I can think of two things.
Get the correct references in CesiumViewer.js for the 3D tiles to load the b3dm files from the sample, if at all this is the issue (which I’m feeling now).
I can try another dev/build approach if you may advise.
I’ve been able to solve this.
I rebuild the App using the steps for building the CesiumJS based app available on your site.
Since it was a POC, I thought a quick thing would be to customize the CesiumViewer.js and move on.
The new app built, loads the .b3dm datasets after loading the initial .json tileset.
Whereas it is frustrating to load the same dataset in CesiumViewer.js since there is no error whatsoever and it doesn’t loads the .b3dm files after loading the .json tileset.