Cesium 1.7 release

We’re starting the Cesium 1.7 release process, it will hopefully be available in a few hours.

Cesium 1.7 has been released and is now available for download.


We have released Cesium 1.7.1 to address a few specific issues found in 1.7: blog post.

Here is the complete set of changes and the issues they addressed:

  • Fixed a crash in InfoBox that would occur when attempting to display plain text.
  • Fixed a crash when loading KML features that have no description and an emptyExtendedData node.
  • Fixed a bug in Color.fromCssColorString where undefined would be returned for the CSS color transparent.
  • Added Color.TRANSPARENT.
  • Added support for KML TimeStamp nodes.
  • Improved KML compatibility to work with non-specification compliant KML files that still happen to load in Google Earth.
  • All data sources now print errors to the console in addition to raising the errorEvent and rejecting their load promise.
