Cesium API query param

I wanna be able to search the CesiumJS API from the chrome omnibox, but I don’t know what the query param is, if any.

For example for .net source code I use https://referencesource.microsoft.com/#q=class%20"%s", and for MSDN https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/index?view=netframework-4.5&term=%s. In both cases the %s would be replaced by the term I’m searching for, e.g. Object.

For the Cesium API’ve found 2 options but I’m not 100% happy with either.

  1. https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/%s.html?classFilter=%s, but if I type anything wrong I get a 404.
  2. https://cesium.com/learn/cesiumjs/ref-doc/CallbackProperty.html?classFilter=%s, but I have to click on the result in the left panel.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


This is a great question. Definitely, something that I would also love to learn more about. I strictly access our API through the JS Doc website or our source code. Any suggestions from the rest of the community?
