Cesium at Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial North America (FOSS4G NA)

FOSS4G NA is a great conference on open-source geospatial. It’s in May this year in Minneapolis. We’re giving a talk on Cesium: “Cesium: 3D Maps on the Web” and Tom Payne and Eric Lemoine are giving a talk on OpenLayers 3, which includes the Cesium integration work we have been helping with: “OpenLayers 3: Under The Hood”

Here’s a blog post with more info.

Also, let me know if you are attending and we can set up a time to chat about your work with Cesium. It was great to meet up with a few folks recently at GDC.



The schedule for FOSS4G NA is now available - http://foss4g-na.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/foss4gna-2013-schedule3.pdf

The Cesium talk is on the second day, Thursday, at 11:30am.
