I have some cylinders flying around the globe, I am recieving the data from a server every second and updating the cylinder's modelMatrix and position properties.
But, in every update, the cylinder flickers.
Is there a way to avoid the flickering ?
I have read about the callback property, tried using it unsuccessfully with the PositionProperty implementations.
I would really appericiate any examples on how it should be done, and if there is a way to "fade" the position change (make it smooth).
This is how I construct the cylinder right now :
var cone = new Cesium.Entity({
position: origin,
cylinder: {
length: geoItemModels[i].Height,
topRadius: 0.0,
bottomRadius: radius,
material: Cesium.Color.RED.withAlpha(0.3)
And the position \ modelMatrix updates (they are beeing calculated few lines before) :