Cesium in 2015 - Kickoff

KML - already listed by others but would want support for dozens of KML files loaded at once, including groundOverlays.
Equivalent of KML network links and when it polls link pass BBOX of current view as Google Earth does.

Multiple CZML Data sources displayed at once - using SandCastle and own JS files seems never get both Vehicle and Satellite (or other CZML files) to be displayed at same time, using processUrl or loadUrl, even if comment out reset clearing of data sources. But can display multiple GeoJSON files.

More CZML example files
Fix CZMLWriter KML conversion - saw some crashes and output didn't have the Document item which then caused Cesium error about this. Used videoMaterial branch since main didn't reference KML.


In case you missed, I posted a detailed overview of the KML plans yesterday: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/cesium-dev/xz2xwKogybY/jt8h174rknwJ

You can also already load multiple CZML files at once. The reason removing Sandcastle.reset in the demo doesn’t appear to work is because the files take place during two different time periods and by default Viewer will set the clock to the time period of the last loaded document. If you were to jump to the time of the first file after loading the second file, you will see the data come in. If you are still having issues, feel free to open a new thread on the matter for discussion (so I don’t derail this thread).

The CZMLWriter KML -> CZML converter was deleted quite some time ago; we are instead focusing on native support.



Can you please go into detail on “Streaming vector tiles” and streaming in general ?
Are you taking into consideration OGC protocols and standards as WFS or maybe supporting specific servers as ArcGIS server ?

(I know it is still an early stage but still it can be a great discussion …)

Idan, see issue #2132 for more on vector tiles.


I’ll throw in my two bits.

I’m, currently working on porting a project that leveraged the google earth api that also defaulted to google maps if the earth plugin was not installed.

I am adding cesium to deal with the deprecation of the earth api, and lack of support in 64bit chrome, but I also want to support ie9 and ie10, which lack webGl, so all three geo interfaces will need to be leveraged.

The number one thing I would like to see is more tutorials and demos leveraging different features of the cesium api.

Things like:

  • generating images/canvas elements client side to use image tiles, or as elevation bitmaps. (if possible)

  • more examples on matrix functions, to manipulate geometry primitives in the scene (stretching, rotating ect…) and to set up the camera for flyto and views

There is a lot of demand asking for full featured KML support as it is the method that most people have consumed or displayed their data with when using the earth api.

For my project I have a lot of data that is very dynamic and there is considerable functionality to change the geo-representation of that data, similar to the NICTA subspace demo, http://cesiumjs.org/demos/subspace.html

In my experience I learned that the best way to work with the data and the API, be it maps, earth and now cesium is to work with the data directly as javascript data objects, in the client, rather than static kml files.

The flexibility to leverage the individual javascript geo API and the ability to pull in data as needed is far greater if you move away from a kml approach. Its is not as easy at first but the payoff down the road is huge.

For us it is:

  • polygons clamped to ground

  • complex geometries (e.g. holes) using CZML, and more CZML examples (we’d be happy to contribute some if there was an official ‘snippets’ page or similar)

  • polygons and polylines styled the same way

  • and to echo one request already given above: reduce the load on the users’ machine when Cesium is doing nothing: currently there is a noticable effect on general machine usage when cesium is open or not… (albeit especially on older machines). Difficult to quantify but noticeable nonetheless.

and as always: awesome work and great project, looking forward to seeing what 2015 brings!


Point cloud support – point support for geometry (PointGeometry) and tiling support for loading data.

There are several webgl-based point cloud viewer efforts going on right now, it’d be nice if Cesium could keep pace with them.


Hi guys,

We really, really like Cesium.

Highest priority for us is still #932 - especially the ability to dynamically modify, add, and remove points from lots of polylines (i.e., modify the vertex lists programmatically).

We’ve implemented our own app-specific high level entity API (LOBs, tracks, vehicles, etc.) but would be interested in one that we didn’t have to maintain. :slight_smile:

As far as terrain clamping goes, we already use the elevation service to return elevation values that we then attach to vertices.

This code was a lot messier when these were promises.

We added this feature to the drawing plugin but haven’t yet submitted that code back to GitHub - expect to do so this month.

Still haven’t decided how high to raise a polygon that is being hand-drawn - right now we just use the highest elevation over a coarse grid enclosing the polygon so some parts may remain below the highest elevation.

Other than that, our customers use KML a lot so the more robust that feature becomes, the happier they will be.



Hi Patrik,

Can you provide more details about the data format of the 3d buildings?
They will be some kind of geo referenced gltf or there will be something else?

Thanks in advance!!

@Berwyn for IE9 and IE10 also consider OpenLayers or Leaflet if just 2D is OK in those browsers.

@Ivan thanks for the offer for CZML examples. Once we know the plan (e.g., perhaps a CZML tab in Sandcastle), we’ll ping you.

@Michael Gerlek - I agree about point clouds and have a big interest in them. I saw your other post, sorry I have not responded yet. We made a good amount of progress on streaming massive point clouds to Cesium based on the research from CRS4. It will be a while before we can clean the code up and post it as we are busy with KML. By the way, several of us will be at the OSGeo code sprint in Philadelphia. Hope to see you there.

@Michael West - sounds like you have implemented some interesting stuff with Cesium. Can you share any links?

@Umberto - for the 3D building format, we are still working out the details with potential data providers. Once that partnership is in place, I’ll start a separate thread.


Once again, thanks everyone for the feedback. Based on this, here is the short-term roadmap with dates (a first for me!):

  • High-Level Entity API - Cesium 1.6 on February 2
  • Join the discussion and check out the updated Sandcastle examples
  • Polygons, polylines, billboards, and labels clamped to terrain - Cesium 1.7 on March 2
  • KML - Cesium 1.7 on March 2
  • Join the discussion and test our work-in-progress by dragging-and-dropping your KML here
  • Streaming 3D buildings - details TBA based on data partners
    This will be a big year for Cesium, especially these next few months!


It would be interesting to see some statistics on the growth of the Cesium user community. Could the number of Cesium release downloads be published or charted? Web traffic to the Cesium Sandcastle would also be interesting to see.


Hi Greg,

There are various statics posted on the forum. For example:

2014 - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/FTI1_vZDpGo

2013 - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/cesium-dev/cizxRxOEQ8I

There are also stats in many of our presentations. In particular, check out the ones from SIGGRAPH and FOSS4G:



Is there a way to bring osm 3d buildings into cesium?? Thanks!!

There is not a fully automated process for bringing OSM 3D buildings into Cesium, but we are making good progress in this direction. See our OSM NYC demo and read about 3D Tiles.


it would be nice to have not only "demo" of NY, but also help how to replicate it.

Any update on "how" to replicate the demo of NY? I fail to understand why there is still no concrete information on this.


Hey Patrick,

NYC demo is nice. How did you load the 3D objects?

I did check the code, but did not find out how you load the 3D data… :-((

Can you explain?

Hi there,

As Patrick said, we don’t yet have an automated process for converting such files into 3D tilesets for use in Cesium, but we are actively hard at work on this problem. For now, you can read up on the 3D tiles specification here: https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/3d-tiles

And you’ll definitely be hearing from us when we have more updates. =)


  • Rachel