Cesium Presentations at SIGGRAPH

This year, the Cesium BOF (birds of a feather meeting) at the SIGGRAPH conference will be on Tuesday, August 12, 11am-12pm. The exact room is TBA.

Please join us for the latest Cesium news and demos. Last year we had great attendance including folks from NVIDIA, AMD, Google, Microsoft, and many Cesium developers.

We have room for a few speaking slots. Email me (pjcozzi@siggraph.org) if you would like to show your Cesium-related work.

In the meantime, check out last year’s slides and pictures.



Please let me know if you want to present your Cesium work at the Cesium BOF (birds of a feather meeting) at the SIGGRAPH conference this August. Last year we had great attendance including folks from NVIDIA, AMD, Google, Microsoft, and many Cesium developers.

We can accommodate one or two more presenters. If you want to present, please email me (pjcozzi@siggraph.org) by July 1.


One last call if anyone else wants to present their Cesium work at the Cesium BOF at SIGGRAPH this August. If so, please email me in the next week: pjcozzi@siggraph.org



We just received our room for the Cesium BOF at SIGGRAPH. It is

Vancouver Convention Centre, East Building, Room 2

Again, this is Tuesday, August 12, 11am-12pm.


The schedule for the Cesium BOF is up:


Thanks to AGI, NICTA, and Camptocamp for presenting!
