Cesium Story-like features in our cesium app?

I love the features in Cesium Stories. I would love to incorporate the slide-like storytelling feature into our cesium app. Are there any built-in features in the api that would make it easier to do so? (Essentially, I want to create a Cesium Story, but I want it in my app, rather than as a standalone link)

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Thanks for the kind words @burns! Are there any particular features you’re most interested in trying to use in your app? Are you mostly hoping to have the info box in the top left, with the slides & table of contents etc?

Yes, I like the slide-set feature, with the ability to set a camera position, and timeline position for each slide … with the info box. All of what you said. :slight_smile:

For most of these slide features there’s no easy path to taking them into a custom app. With that said, we’re definitely considering supporting a workflow to allow developers to use Stories in custom apps to some extents. No timeline on that at the moment.

One feature that does currently exist as an API you can use in a custom app is the measurements toolbar. That’s part of the commercial analytics SDK: https://cesium.com/ion-sdk/

Okay, thanks! Is there a GitHub issue that I can follow?

I’ve created a GitHub issue here you can follow: https://github.com/CesiumGS/cesium-ion-community/issues/317.

Thanks! I just gave it a :+1: . :slight_smile:

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@burns while waiting for the changes in cesium on more flexibility in developing stories, you may want to check out TerriaJS, which builds on Cesium & has story-building straight in the UI: https://map.terria.io/#share=s-g2J5VdGvGEiy3XN19nyCAz0mPK2&playStory=1 - it may not be what you’re after if you need to stay in your Cesium app, but take a look and see if it fits!