Hi All!
I’ve been trying to work this out for a while
When i draw objects into cesium map they are exactly how I want them to be, clamped to ground with correct height.
const cartographicCoords = vertexLocations.map(({ longitude, latitude }) =>
Cesium.Cartographic.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude)
const terrainHeights = await Cesium.sampleTerrainMostDetailed(
);const clampedCoords = vertexLocations.map((vertex, index) => ({
height: terrainHeights[index]?.height || 0,
}));const baseTerrainHeight = clampedCoords[0]?.height || 0;
const extrudedHeight = baseTerrainHeight + height;
const cartesianCoords = clampedCoords.map(({ longitude, latitude, height }) =>
Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude, height)
const entity = this.viewer.entities.add({
polygon: {
hierarchy: new Cesium.PolygonHierarchy(cartesianCoords),
material: Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(polygonType.fillColor),
extrudedHeight: baseTerrainHeight + height,
height: baseTerrainHeight,
closeTop: true,
closeBottom: true
userData: { vertices: clampedCoords, height }
I am having trouble storing this object to a json file where i can load it again later - the json looks like this
“objects”: [
“id”: “fb2697dc-da3a-4684-ae44-c53a93794a9d”,
“name”: “Polygon 1738365868906”,
“type”: “Polygon3D”,
“baseTerrainHeight”: -29.138465356242214,
“extrudedHeight”: -9.138465356242214,
“vertices”: [
“longitude”: 115.71771796477525,
“latitude”: -33.02759515832507,
“height”: -29.138465356242214
“longitude”: 115.71704703935087,
“latitude”: -33.02875379004531,
“height”: -29.097115691800845
“longitude”: 115.71879040525089,
“latitude”: -33.02853717270545,
“height”: -28.128355173115068
“parent”: “#”,
“material”: {
“red”: 0,
“green”: 0.5019607843137255,
“blue”: 0,
“alpha”: 0.6
“outlineColor”: {
“red”: 0,
“green”: 0.5019607843137255,
“blue”: 0,
“alpha”: 1
“borderWidth”: 1,
“show”: true
No matter what i do, the reloaded polygon is floating in the air. it seems to start rendering the polygon base local height zero (terrain height at this location is around -29.5)
here is the code that adds it back
else if (object.type === “Polygon3D”) {
console.log(" Adding a 3D Polygon with extruded height.");this.viewer.entities.add({ id: object.id, polygon: { hierarchy: new Cesium.PolygonHierarchy(object.vertices.map(v => Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(v.longitude, v.latitude, v.height || object.baseTerrainHeight) )), material: materialColor, outline: true, outlineColor: outlineColor, extrudedHeight: object.extrudedHeight, closeTop: true, closeBottom: true }, show: object.show ?? true, userData: object });