Compatibility of Cesium and Angular


can you explain whether cesium 1.74 is 100% compatible with angular 8?
Whether there are known errors or some functionality is disabled?

Welcome to the Cesium Community!

We are not direct maintainers of the angular-cesium repository. You’ll get a better response by reaching out to angular-cesium support or posting a question on the angular-cesium repo:

Hey @Vedran_Majcen :wave:,

If you are not using a 3rd party library, such as angular-cesium that @dzung mentioned, check out this repository that uses the standard implementation of Angular and Cesium. For your case, you should use this commit that references Angular 8.

Generally, Angular and Cesium are two different JavaScript frameworks but at the end of the day, they are compiled both in JavaScript. So, normally there should not be any problem. In any case, we keep the repository of the sample application up to date with the latest versions of both frameworks. If you face any problem with the repo, you can always file an issue there. For general questions about Angular and Cesium feel free to reach me out here. I would be glad to help :smiley:

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