I’m working on a project that changes the height of a polygon in real time.
I proceeded with czml on the left, and if the polygon protrudes for the set time, it continues or does not start from the beginning again, and an error occurs. I would like to know why the error occurred.
My problem is that the value of sql changes at regular intervals to express czml. When czml with interval time between 1:00 and 2:00 moves to a czml file with interval time between 2:00 and 3:00, the error “DeveloperError: Normalized result is not a number” is generate
I thought I should make the czml interval time bigger, and I increased the interval time. I think it’s because the size doesn’t match the population_sampled.
How do I connect the 1:00-2:00 czml file to the 2:00-3:00 czml file without errors?
I have not been able to solve this problem since December.
I’m not sure because it’s the process of importing from server.js and cesiumviewer.js to ajax.
I don’t think the issue is the shared property name; I think it’s the duplicate ID’s. If you’d like to keep a back-history of CZMLs, you will need to generate new ID’s for the additional entities.