Based on what I’ve seen in some older posts, if I want an image material to vary over time, I set it up like this: (assume the uri would differ)
"material": {
"image": {
"image": {
"uri": [
"interval": "2020-04-23T00:10:19Z/2020-04-23T00:10:29Z",
"uri": ""
"interval": "2020-04-23T00:10:29Z/2020-04-23T00:10:39Z",
"uri": ""
"interval": "2020-04-23T00:10:39Z/2020-04-23T00:10:49Z",
"uri": ""
"interval": "2020-04-23T00:10:49Z/2020-04-23T00:10:59Z",
"uri": ""
Except, it doesn’t work–it throws an error to the console:
DeveloperError: julianDate is required.
(stack cut because it won't let post all those links)
Poking around in the source for a bit, it would seeeeem that it thinks that it’s an interpolatable property (which the docs say it’s not). But If I add an epoch, then I get this:
TypeError: innerType.unpack is not a function
(stack snip)
Here’s a sandcastle with this reproducible. Am I just missing something?