czml stream of dynamically updated polylineCollection


I would like to draw a dynamically updating path with Cesium using CZML. I currently have a working solution with a dynamically updating point.

I am trying to implement a solution using a polylineCollection and adding polylines to it (code included below).

Where am I going wrong with this?


// CZML packet for one satellite tracked position
// Send as a path.
function createMsg1()
    var entity = {

        "id" : coordinates[0],
        "description" : animalName + ', tag ID: ' + coordinates[0] + '\n',
        "availability" : dateTime_start + '/' + dateTime_end,
        "polylineCollection" : {
          "polyline" : {
            "positions" : {
                "cartographicDegrees" : [
                            coordinates[3], coordinates[4], coordinates[5]
            "show" : true,
            "width" : 2,
            "resolution" : 60,
            "material" : {
                "solidColor" : {
                  "color" : {
                    "rgba" : thisTagColour
   return JSON.stringify(entity);


Can you please explain what’s not working with your code? I don’t see any obvious problems from the code snippet you posted.



Hi Hannah,
Thanks for the reply. The problem with the code is that the JSON streams to the browser OK but does not actually draw anything. I was streaming through the same code as for the dynamically updating point and so I assumed that the error was with my CZML for the polyline. Here's some more code and JSON output:

Streaming Code (streams at particular time stamps in the data):
function finishDraw(res)
  // dateTime_start is global
  var timeDifference = ;
  for (var i = 0; i < intervalList.length; i++)
      var d1 = new Date(intervalList[i]);
      var d2 = new Date(intervalList[i+1]);
      if (d2 > d1)
        timeDifference[i] = d2 - d1;
  function streamMsg(t)
      res.write('id: ' + t + '\n');

      if (position.length > 0)
        res.write('data:' + createMsg1() + '\n\n');

  var startDate = new Date(dateTime_start);
  var startMilliseconds = startDate.getTime();

  var tick = startMilliseconds;

  var myFunction = function(){
    if (timeDifference.length > -1)
      tick = tick + timeDifference.shift();
      interval = setInterval(myFunction, tick);
      streamMsg(1); // last message
  var interval = setInterval(myFunction, tick);


Resulting JSON packets:

{"id":824,"description":"White Shark, tag ID: 824\n","availability":"2012-10-10T00:00:00Z/2013-05-20T00:00:00Z","polylineCollection":{"polyline":{"positions":{"cartographicDegrees":[152.348,-32.722,0]},"show":true,"width":2,"resolution":60,"material":{"solidColor":{"color":{"rgba":[211.2,90.9,179.2,255]}}}}}}
{"id":824,"description":"White Shark, tag ID: 824\n","availability":"2012-10-10T00:00:00Z/2013-05-20T00:00:00Z","polylineCollection":{"polyline":{"positions":{"cartographicDegrees":[152.31300000000002,-32.548,0]},"show":true,"width":2,"resolution":60,"material":{"solidColor":{"color":{"rgba":[211.2,90.9,179.2,255]}}}}}}