Entity rotation using Matrix3

I want to rotate a 3d model.

I have 3x3 Matrix:










A 3x3 matrix, using the <M_ij> tags, where M_ij

denotes the coefficient of the (i+1)th row and the (j+1)th column of the rotation


It defines the rotation matrix transforming world

coordinates into camera coordinates (with axes XRightYDown)

Here is my code:

var matrix3 = new Cesium.Matrix3(parseFloat(M_00), parseFloat(M_01), parseFloat(M_02), parseFloat(M_10), parseFloat(M_11), parseFloat(M_12), parseFloat(M_20), parseFloat(M_21), parseFloat(M_22));

var matrix4 = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(matrix3);

var hpr = Cesium.Transforms.fixedFrameToHeadingPitchRoll(matrix4);

var orientation = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(position, hpr);

var entity = viewer.entities.add({

position: position,

orientation : orientation,

model : {

uri : url,

scale : 0.6



This does not set the orientation of model. What am I doing wrong?

I think it might be simpler here to just use the quaternion.fromRotationMatrix function directly on your Matrix3. So your code would look something like:

var matrix3 = new Cesium.Matrix3(parseFloat(M_00), parseFloat(M_01), parseFloat(M_02), parseFloat(M_10), parseFloat(M_11), parseFloat(M_12), parseFloat(M_20), parseFloat(M_21), parseFloat(M_22));

var entity = viewer.entities.add({

position: position,

orientation: Cesium.Quaternion.fromRotationMatrix(matrix3),

model : {

uri : url,

scale : 0.6



Here’s a running example in Sandcastle.