Extrude polygon in CZML

Hello guys!

I was wondering if it is posible to extrude a polygon in CZML. Maybe something like this:

[ { “id” : “MyTestData”,

“polygon” : {

“material” : { “solidColor” : { “color” : { “rgba” : [ 255, 165, 0, 255] } } },

**“height” : 10000, **

"extrudedHeight" : 3000


“vertexPositions” : { “cartographicDegrees” : [ -80.398260808176204,

40.7897431538943, 0, -50.390644606975499, 40.7897431538943,

0, -80.390644606975499, 10.782126952693501, 0, -80.398260808176204,

20.782126952693499, 0, -60.398260808176197, 30.7897431538943, 0

] }

} ]

If not, maybe generate a custom geometry using a vertex/index buffer of some kind.


Aha! There’s lot of work done to support this in the dynamicScene-geometry branch.

I was wondering if this was going to be included in December’s release.
