I have polyline points array [langitude(degrees), latitude(degrees), altitude(meters)] and I need to find the closest point in polyline array to a given point(latitude(degrees) longitude(degrees)).
Correct me if I am wrong, but there is no “projection” in the classic sense in 3D mode. Lat/Lon points are displayed on a model of the Ellipsoid. Cesium uses WGS84 by default. This is configurable to a user defined Ellipsoid.
Correct me if I am wrong, but there is no “projection” in the classic sense in 3D mode. Lat/Lon points are displayed on a model of the Ellipsoid. Cesium uses the WGS84 by default. This is configurable to a user defined Ellipsoid. If you pick a point and you are using the default Ellipsoid the crs for that point would be 4326.
Another question:
How can I find a PROJECTION of the given latlng point on the polyline in Cesium 3D view?