I want to set the camera properties such it simulate looking out the front view of a car when driving and was thinking the best approach was to use the position property and sample two positions to then calculate the heading.
Its okay to find the math for doing this from two latlng pairs, but since I will be using either the camera lookAt or lookAtTransform (I have had a hard time figuring out in which cases one want to use the one or the other).
Is there anyone who can make a small example of using the Cesium API (Matrix,Transforms,Cartesian) to show how one would set the camera to be viewing out the front view, with both of above camera functions given two positions that illustrate two sampled position with dt difference.
var pos1 = new Cartesian();
var pos2 = new Cartesian();
LookAt, one would have to calculate the heading between the points.
LookAtTransform. Not sure how this is used.
Trying to understand in what cases the lookAtTransform is usefull.