Geometry and Appearances in CZML

Cesium team,
Hello, it’s been a while! We’ve finally received funding to take my cesium prototype from summer 2012 into production, which means I’m back working Cesium development full time. I’ve been keeping an eye on the digest, but I haven’t worked with Cesium since b6, so I’ve been trying to get caught up on all of the changes. I was wondering what the plan is to take the new Geometry and Appearances system to CZML. In particular, I’m interested in generating polygon CZML that isn’t on the surface of the earth, and it appears that’s not currently supported in CZML.



Eric, this is not only in the plan, but being actively worked in the the dynamicScene-geometry branch. I was hoping to make b22 but I’ve been extremely busy with other projects. My plan is to get it cleaned up and fleshed out and have it in the b23 (Dec 1st) release. But it should be in Cesium master before that (as early the first week of November.) It will basically include most of the capabilities of the Geometry and Appearances work, but available through CZML and any other data sources. It is also a massive performance improvement for static data.

We’ve finally received funding to take my cesium prototype from summer 2012 into production, which means I’m back working Cesium development full time

Great news. Congrats! Welcome back.



Just built the dynamicScene-geometry branch - is there a file with some working examples of the new functionality working in a czml file? Please could you post one here if not Thanks