Getting a mouse click position on the map

I'm new to Cesium, and I am trying to allow the user to select a location on the map (mouse click), or use the mouse to specify a region of interest (e.g. rectangle or circle). I see how to get mouse events, but the coordinates are in screen space. How can I convert these into lat,lon values? The goal is to use this user input to do things like retrieve query results for that geographic location.

Thanks for any pointers.

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Check out the Picking Sandcastle example. Just mouse over the globe to see the lat/lon.


I have the same requirement but the link does not work. Does anyone have another sample?

Thanks a lot~

Patrick Cozzi於 2013年7月13日星期六 UTC+8下午10時29分26秒寫道:

Here’s the new link:
