Is there any function or method available in cesuim unreal or cesuim native as mentioned below ?
Distance between two cartographic point like double GeodeticDistance(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double , lat2) ?
Forward Azimuth between two cartographic point double ForwardAzimuth(double lon1, double lat1, double lon2, double , lat2) where out would be 0-360 from true north in degree ?
Geodetic Point calculation from distance and azimuth from reference point like GeodeticPoint(double lon, double lat, double distance, double azimuth, double resultLon, double resultLat) ??
While considering Earth Model like Ellipsoidal or Spherical ?
We don’t currently have such functions in Cesium for Unreal.
You can find an open-source implementation of the first of these in CesiumJS:
That’s assuming your want the geodesic distance, which is the shortest distance between the points over the ellipsoid surface. You would create an instance of this class and then access the surfaceDistance property.
For the other two, I’m assuming you want a “constant azimuth” path, which forms a rhumb line, rather than the shortest geodesic path. If so, CesiumJS’s EllipsoidRhumbLine class will help:
For (2), you would construct an instance of this class by passing the two points to the constructor, and then access the heading property. For (3), you would construct an instance using fromStartHeadingInstance and then access the end property.
All of this is in JavaScript, so not usable directly, but it could be ported to C++ for use in Unreal Engine. We’d welcome a pull request for that if you’re up for it!