I would like to place the tracks above the timeline. I was able to get the tracks on top of the timeline container, but the timeline bar and is not showing up anymore. I modified the viewer.css and cesium.js (see below). I tried to modify timeline.css, but I have not been able to see what I want.
Please give me some direction.
Thank you for your time,
.cesium-viewer-timelineContainer {
position: absolute;
left: 169px;
right: 29px;
bottom: 0;
height: 127px;/* was 27px*/
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
overflow: hidden;
font-size: 14px;
this._topDiv.innerHTML = '<div class="cesium-timeline-trackContainer">' +
'<canvas class="cesium-timeline-tracks" width="10" height="1">' +
'</canvas></div><div class="cesium-timeline-bar"></div><div class="cesium-timeline-needle"></div><span class="cesium-timeline-ruler"></span>';
this._trackContainer = this._topDiv.childNodes[0];
this._trackListEle = this._topDiv.childNodes[0].childNodes[0];
this._timeBarEle = this._topDiv.childNodes[1];
this._needleEle = this._topDiv.childNodes[2];
this._rulerEle = this._topDiv.childNodes[3];
this._context = this._trackListEle.getContext('2d');