HLOD - preparing Data?


I have read the technical blog concerning Skipping Levels of Detail.

“Doing so allows the engine to render low resolution tiles when they are far from the camera and high resolution tiles when they are near the camera.”

I have one question: Does this approach mean I have to prepare my data in a special way ?

I have a dataset with a

  • Terrain: generated 30m Resolution (400 x 300 km)
  • BaseLayer: Zoom 1 bis 5 OSM-Map (generated with gdal2tiles)
  • Image: Orthophotos (generiert mit gdal2tiles)

Project needs 1GM RAM in chrome. I have the impression, that the data isn’t loaded according to level of detail - do I have to consider something at the preparation of the data ?



I have seen the old discussons on that topic

Could it be that the imageryprovider doesn’t use this techniques ?
