How to add ArcGIS WMS layer to Cesium

Hi guys,
I would like to ask you if someone can explain me how does the ArcGIS WMS works (I found nothing on the web).

I have an ESRI account and I would like to visualise some layers into CESIUM

// i.e. the World Traffic Map

I tried to use the Cesium.WebMapServiceImageryProvider and the Cesium.ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider functionalities but I failed.

Could you please give me some tips?


You should be able to connect to an Esri MapServer directly (i.e. without going through the WMS interface) using ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider. What problem did you run into? The Imagery Layers Manipulation example in Sandcastle includes a MapServer layer:


Hi Kevin,

I've couple of ESRD shape file with ArcGIS LYRs. I want to visualize them in Cesium. I tried ArcGisMapServerImageryProvider, but it requires some URL of mapserver. Not sure what is that.
I've .lyr, .shp files etc.

I mean ESRI files