how to center Cesium map

I have this code :

<div id="cesiumContainer" width = "98%" style = "boder: 2px solid white;" padding = "4px" margin = "4px"></div>
    <script type = "text/javascript">
    var map = new Cesium.CesiumWidget('cesiumContainer', {
    sceneMode : Cesium.SceneMode.SCENE2D
    var scene = map.scene;
    var west = -7.0;
    var south = 38.0;
    var east = 20.0;
    var north = 60.0;, south, east, north)); = new Cesium.Cartesian3(6,49,30);, 90, 0));

I would guess that this would make cesium to view the region Europe and some surroundings, that is, the map would center on Europe

But the rendering renders the COMPLETE Earth.

How do I make cesium center to a specific point, or better, how do I make Cesium to view a specific region in SCENE2D mode (trimming everything else off) at a specific zoom?

How do I make cesium center to a specific point, or better, how do I make Cesium to view a specific region in SCENE2D mode (trimming everything else off) at a specific zoom?

To clarify, I would like to hide every other thing that is outside a bounding box given in the values of west, east, and north, south pairs.