How to display a custom geometry in a 2D map?


I have a custom geometry that can be displayed normally in a 3D map. How do I do it to support it in a 2D state? Which matrices are used or how do you handle vertex data?


Below is my vertex shader used in 3D maps

attribute vec3 position;\n\

attribute vec2 st;\n\

attribute vec3 normal;\n\

uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\n\

uniform mat3 normalMatrix;\n\

uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\n\

varying vec3 v_position;\n\

varying vec3 v_normal;\n\

varying vec2 v_st;\n\


varying vec3 v_light0Direction;\n\


void main(void) \n\


vec4 pos = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position,1.0);\n\

v_normal = normalMatrix * normal;\n\

v_st = st;\n\

v_position =;\n\

v_light0Direction = mat3( modelViewMatrix) * vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);\n\

gl_Position = projectionMatrix * pos;\n\


