How to get drill pick lcoation from GooglePhotorealistic3DTileset

I have just stumbled upon the GooglePhotorealistic3DTileset, and am trying to work out how to get the location of the point where the drillPick intercepts.
Currently I use globe.pick and pass in a ray to get a point to use for distance etc, but seeing as the globe is removed when usng the 3DTileset, need another way to do so.

I have tried using the scene.drillPick(pos), and it returns the primitive object, but I can’t see any pick position.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey @Mitchell_Day, thanks for the question.

You should be able to get the position of the mouse based on the visible entities using the scene.pickPosition method.

You can see an example of that in this modified Google Photorealistic 3D Tiles sandcastle

Hope that helps, let me know if that doesn’t fit your use case.