have any way to get the height of a given coordinate.
I want to place an object on the surface of the map but I only have a Lat and long.
like, if I want to place an object on the given coordinate, what height should be assigned, I want to do it in the game (run time), I don’t want to ask the user for height
I’m using unity Cesium3DTileset with google maps API
Unfortunately there’s no easy way to do this right now. Keep an eye on this issue:
In the meantime, the best you can do is a LineCast into the terrain to find the height. Be aware, though, that the height can change as the terrain level of detail shifts.
Just to give an update, as of Cesium for Unity v1.13.0, this function has been added to Cesium3DTileset! You can now use the asynchronous SampleHeightMostDetailed function to query the height on a tileset, at a given longitude / latitude position. Remember that this height is returned in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid!