hello,this is the code i have drawn the entity:
name: ‘Ocean’,
description: ‘
longitude:’ + _longitude + ’ latitude:’ +_latitude + ‘
’ + ‘u:’ + ud + ’ v:’ + vd + ’ speed:’ + speed + ‘
’ + ‘’ + ‘change’,
polyline: {
positions: new Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([
_longitude, _latitude,100,
longitude2, latitude2,100]),
width: 5,
material: new Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty(Cesium.Color.fromBytes(r, g, b, 255))
now I give the description info box a button and want to give the button a function.but it doesn’t work.I really need your help.
new learner,Xin.