Right now, I use the SingleTileImageryProvider to display an image on the globe,and I have to change globe’s translucency alpha for some reason. When I set globe’s alpha to 0.6,the ImageryLayer will follow the alpha to 0.6, can I keep the ImageryLayer’s alpha to 1.0?
Hi @tzraeq, thanks for the question.
Just to confirm my understanding it sounds like you want to fade out parts of the globe that are not included in your custom imagery provider.
Setting the globe’s alpha affects the whole globe itself. Setting imagery layer alpha values changes how they blend with the imagery layers “below” them. This is why changing the globe alpha affects everything.
We have a couple different methods for showing things under the terrain or modifying the translucency that may fit better than trying to adjust the imagery layer’s alpha directly. Try taking a look at these sandcastles and see if any may fit your needs:
The orderIndependentTranslucency option saves me!
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