How to set PostProcessStage work with specific 3DTiles?

Hello everyone,

I found that PostProcessStage could work with specific 3DTiles via selected property. But I also found that Cesium3DTileFeature were also dynamic. I get an array of features with callback of Cesium3DTileset.tileLoad but it didn’t work.

I’m not sure if there is a problem with my idea or the API can’t be used like this.

I would be very grateful if anyone can provide a solution.


Can you please share a sandcastle demo that shows how you are using PostProcessStage?



Hi Sam, thanks for reply. Here’s the sandcastle:

I notice that in event listener of Cesium3DTileset#tileLoad, I can’t get all the features of tileset. And official document only recommend Cesium3DTileset#tileVisible to access Cesium3DTile. So is there any other ways to get all features of a tilset or some other solutions?

I would be very appreciate if you can provide further help.


Thank you for sharing your sandcastle demo! You are correct - tileLoad is an event listener, which means that it will update you when a tile’s content is loaded. tileVisible is also an event listener and will update you when a tile is visible in a given frame. Thus, neither of these members can be used to get the features of a tileset. I currently do not know of a simple way to get all of the features of a tileset. Does anyone from the community have any suggestions?

Documentation for reference:
